rahulolematus Suurbritannias
(too old to reply)
Simo Runnel
2004-11-17 12:52:28 UTC
Mitte ainult eestlased ei taha kodumaalt lahkuda, vaid sellele on mõelnud ka enamus Suurbritannia elanikest:

Writing in August 2004 in the New Statesman magazine, David
Nicholson-Lord highlights the desire of many skilled, talented people
to get out of the UK. Here are some of the figures he quoted, and
others from a variety of sources:

* Polls by both ICM and YouGov found that more than half of Britain's
adult population wanted to emigrate or had seriously considered

* Even the young seem unhappy with the UK. A poll of almost eleven
thousand 16-29 year-olds in The Face magazine found almost half
thought 'the UK was a worse place to live now than it was five years
ago'. An astonishingly high 83% percent wanted to leave the country

Majority of Britons Want to Leave Country
Monday, August 26, 2002 9:27 a.m. EDT

LONDON (Reuters) - More than half of Britons would like to emigrate
from their homeland, fed up with the price of living and terrible
weather, and would prefer to live in the United States or Spain, a
survey published Monday said.

Fifty-four percent of Britons surveyed by pollsters YouGov for the
Daily Telegraph newspaper said they would like to settle abroad if
they were free to do so.

Similar polls found just 42 percent wanted to emigrate in 1948 shortly
after World War II , and only 40 percent in 1975.

Of those wanting to leave Britain behind, the United States was the
most popular destination followed by Australia.

However, if language wasn't a barrier -- Britons are the worst
linguists in Europe according to an EU poll -- then Spain would be
their preferred country of residence followed by France, with the U.S.
pushed back into third place.

The survey found that being able live more cheaply and the chance of
new opportunities were cited as the main reasons for moving abroad.
Unsurprisingly the notoriously wet and shifty British climate was the
next most popular reason for leaving.

However, the much maligned British cuisine was less of a problem with
only 25 percent citing it as a problem.

The biggest draw for staying in Britain was being with family and
friends, whilst the second most common reason was Britain's proud
Andres Soolo
2004-11-18 07:04:40 UTC
Post by Simo Runnel
* Polls by both ICM and YouGov found that more than half of Britain's
adult population wanted to emigrate or had seriously considered
Nende kahe kokkumätsimine ...
Post by Simo Runnel
* Even the young seem unhappy with the UK. A poll of almost eleven
... "asukohamaaga mitterahulolevate" inimeste grupiks on ilus
statistilise demagoogia trikk.
Andres Soolo <***@ut.ee>
Simo Runnel
2004-11-18 08:34:25 UTC
Saatja: <***@ut.ee (Andres Soolo)>
Kuupäev: 18.11.2004 9:04:40
Post by Andres Soolo
... "asukohamaaga mitterahulolevate" inimeste grupiks on ilus
statistilise demagoogia trikk.
83 protsenti lahkuda soovivaid noori on veel rohkem kui väidetav näitaja Eestis. Või on need inimesed õnnelikud, kujutledes, kuidas nad lahkuvad?

S. R.
Andres Soolo
2004-11-18 12:20:24 UTC
Post by Simo Runnel
Kuupäev: 18.11.2004 9:04:40
Post by Andres Soolo
... "asukohamaaga mitterahulolevate" inimeste grupiks on ilus
statistilise demagoogia trikk.
83 protsenti lahkuda soovivaid noori on veel rohkem kui väidetav näitaja Eestis. Või on need inimesed õnnelikud, kujutledes, kuidas nad lahkuvad?
See on omaette nähtus. Ka demagoogiline artikkel ei pea lausvalesid
otsast otsani täis tuubitud olema. ;-)
Andres Soolo <***@ut.ee>
Irja Toots
2004-11-18 13:24:55 UTC
no kui suurbritanniast rääkida, siis on ju selge, et britid on läbi ajaloo mõteviisilt suurimad migrandid olnud ja igal pool käinud ja olnud. kolooniates uitamine on osa suurekssaamisest.

aga jah - kui küsida, et kas UK on nüüd halvem kui 5 aastat tagasi, ja selle peale saada 'jah' vastus - see on natuke paha. kuivõrd veedan umbes poole oma ajast seal, siis võin raudselt öelda - seal ma oma lapsi üles kasvatada ei taha. MHGst jäi omal ajal inglise ideaal kõrvade vahele kinni, aga ega seda sealt enam naljalt ei leia...
Post by Simo Runnel
Kuupäev: 18.11.2004 9:04:40
Post by Andres Soolo
... "asukohamaaga mitterahulolevate" inimeste grupiks on ilus
statistilise demagoogia trikk.
83 protsenti lahkuda soovivaid noori on veel rohkem kui väidetav näitaja Eestis. Või on need inimesed õnnelikud, kujutledes, kuidas nad lahkuvad?
See on omaette nähtus. Ka demagoogiline artikkel ei pea lausvalesid
otsast otsani täis tuubitud olema. ;-)
Andres Soolo

Win a castle for NYE with your mates and Yahoo! Messenger
Simo Runnel
2004-11-18 18:19:47 UTC
Post by Irja Toots
MHGst jäi omal ajal inglise ideaal kõrvade vahele kinni, aga ega seda sealt enam naljalt ei leia...
Praeguses MHG-s kasutati kunagi häid inglise keele õpikuid, maja on hea
arhitektuuri ja valitud seltskonnaga - osa muljest võib ka inglastele üle
kanduda. Kunagi lasti kooli esinema ka teisitimõtleja Linnart Mäll, kes
rääkis, et Inglismaa ei kuulu Euroopasse ja seal elab
jalgpallihuligaanidest koosnev matsirahvas, kes sooritas Teise maailmasõja
suurimad kuriteod ja joob nii halba teed, et peab selle maitset piimaga
varjama. Õpilased kuulasid ja naersid.

S. R.
